By Robin Dickinson
The IRS issues IP PIN (Identity Protection PIN) to anyone that has had their social security number compromised with the IRS. This means that someone else has filed a fraudulent return using someone else social security number. The IP PIN is issued annually for the duration of you filing your tax returns. If you feel your social security number has been compromised, notify the IRS immediately. Fill out IRS form 14039 and get it to them as soon as you become aware of the compromise. The process could take up to 180 days to process.
If you need assistance in obtaining your IP PIN, read on… we’ll give you info at the bottom of this page on how to connect with an ATC IP PIN expert to resolve the issue and prepare your tax return with zero out of pocket fees!
Q & A:
What is an IP PIN?
A 6 digit number issued by the IRS for anyone who has encountered identity theft with the IRS. The number assigned is associated with your social security number and will come from the IRS on form CP01A.
Do I need an IP PIN?
If your social security number has been used to file taxes by anyone other than yourself, then yes, you would need an IP PIN.
Do I use the same number each year?
The IRS will issue you a different IP PIN every year. If you move, be sure to contact the IRS with the updated address because they will send the IP PIN to the address on file – ATC Tax Professionals can assist with filling out the proper form. If you move and do not update the address, your IP PIN can be compromised once again. Do not share your IP PIN with anyone other than the person preparing your taxes.
What if I lose my IP PIN, what do I need to do?
If you lose your IP PIN, you should visit your nearest ATC Tax Office so one of our IP PIN Tax Experts can assist you with obtaining a new one.
Can I file without my IP PIN?
If you file without including the IP PIN on your return, the IRS will reject the return and it will delay your refund. The IP PIN is the IRS way of validating that you are the only person that can file a return with your social.
Will the IRS ask me for my IP PIN?
The IRS will never contact you and ask for your IP PIN. If you receive a call and/or email requesting for you to provide your IP PIN, do not give any information.
HELP – I DON’T HAVE MY IP PIN: ATC IP PIN experts will use various tools and try to help you obtain your current IP PIN Online. Bring in all your tax documents and a valid ID along with copies of any bills such as mortgage, car note, credit card… etc. to the nearest ATC Tax Office to help with the verify process. The process can take weeks so don’t delay – Book an Appointment here so we can begin the process asap.
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