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Tax refund advance

Understanding Easy Money Loans – A Step-by-Step User Guide for First-Time Borrowers

It’s the start of the New Year, and with the past year’s festivities out of the way, it is time to do taxes. We know it can be a hassle, especially for those new to tax filing. But what if we tell you there is a financial gain to doing all this: Tax refund advance? Think of it as a reward for all your challenges while doing taxes. 

If you overpaid taxes, the government could offer you a refund. The US treasury indicates that three-fourths of taxpayers have overpaid taxes. But although a tax refund is in order, they have a prolonged process, often taking days to get approved and deposited in your account. 

However, you can speed up the tax returns through ATC Income Tax, “Easy Money Loans.” As the name suggests, it is a simple and easy way to immediately get a portion of your tax returns. 

We have compiled a simple, easy-to-follow user guide to assist you with online tax refund loans; we’ll cover everything about our Easy Money Loan, so you know how to get tax returns without any challenges. Without further ado, let’s get started. 

Disclaimer and Terms of Service:

Tax refund advance

The information provided in this guide is for general information purposes only and should not be in any way considered financial advice. “Easy Money Loan” is a product of ATC Income tax, and terms and conditions may apply, including eligibility criteria and loan terms. You must consult the ATC Income provider for the most up-to-date information on tax refund advice

Important Terms You Want to Remember:

Before we further learn about our “Easy Money Loans,” let’s cover some important terms that will come up occasionally. We have compiled them into a simple glossary so you can review them anytime. Here is what you need to know:

Tax Returns:

A lump sum amount paid back to the taxpayer by the government based on overpaid taxes in the previous year.

Tax Refund Advance:

A portion of the money is taken from the tax returns and is lent to the taxpayers by the tax preparation company. 

Annual Percentage Rate (APR):

It represents the total cost of a loan for one year, including interest rates and any additional fees.

Tax Payer:

It refers to any individual or entity obligated to pay taxes to a government. In the context of tax refund advances, it refers to the person expecting the tax return. 

Tax Preparers/ Tax Preparation Company:

They are professionals or businesses specializing in income tax filing and preparation of tax returns. They can guide individuals on tax submissions and ensure taxes are filed properly. 

Underwriting Standards:

Underwriting standards are the guidelines tax preparers follow to assess the credit and risk of the taxpayer before handing them out a loan. 

Pre-Qualify Application:

This is the preliminary step in the loan application process, where potential borrowers provide basic information to assess their eligibility for a loan. 

Please be advised that a pre-quality application does not guarantee approval, but it helps individuals understand their likelihood of qualifying for a loan before submitting a formal application.


What Is an Easy Money Loan?

With all the complex terminology out of the way, let’s finally cover Easy Money Loans. ATC Income Tax is a trusted name in the tax preparation industry, and to assist those struggling for funds during tax seasons, it has come up with unique, simple, and easy tax refund loans as a solution. 

Easy Money Loans can assist taxpayers by providing a portion of their tax returns in as little as 10 minutes (up to 12-24 hours) after a successful tax return application. The loan service has 0% APR for loans up to 25% of your expected refund ($2,500 max).

As you want the money right away, we’ll pay the portion of the expected refund from our end. Once the loan is deposited, we’ll take that portion from the deposited amount and offer the remaining amount back to you within 10-14 days from the IRS acceptance date. Think of it as a win-win for both of us. 

Eligibility Criteria of a Tax Refund Advance:

It is important to note that a tax refund advance has eligibility criteria. Although it has one, most individuals do fit the criteria. An individual who wants to apply for an Easy Money Loan must have:


Only US citizens of Decatur, Atlanta, GA, and Milwaukee, WI, who are of legal age, can apply for an Easy Money Loan. 

Income Requirements:

Income is a huge factor in whether you can apply for an Easy Money Loan. The eligibility for applying for an Easy Money Loan is the same as qualifying to file a tax return. You must make sure you

Identity Verification:

Only permanent US residents can apply for the loan. You will be required proof of identity before moving further. 

Requirements for Easy Money Loan:

Once you know you can apply for an Easy Money Loan, here are some crucial documents you need to prepare before applying:

Identification Documents:

You must provide proof of identification and other documents verifying you are a permanent US resident. 

Pre-qualify Banner

Proof of Income:

You may also need proof of income. This includes providing bank statements and any other document needed for tax filing. Consult with a tax preparer to learn more about other documents you need. 

W-2 Document:

A completed W-2 Document is another document deliverable you need. It is a wage and tax statement that the employer sends the employee and the Internal Revenue Service at the end of the year. It details the amount of tax they withhold from the employee’s paycheck. 

Credit Score:

As tax refund advances are unlike traditional loans, a low credit history is not a concern. However, other factors may be considered, including identity verification, before applying for an Easy Money Loan. It is a good idea to prepare your credit report if the tax preparer asks for it. 

Applying for Easy Money Loan – 6 Steps to Follow to Get a Tax Refund Loan Online:

Check Eligibility:

First and foremost, check your eligibility. Are you of legal age? Do you have a gross income above the filing requirement? Has your employer withheld more tax amount than you were to pay? If you check out, then move on to the next step. 

Prepare Documents:

Ensure you have all the necessary documents before applying for our easy money loan. This includes a W-2 document, proof of income, and an identification verification document. 

Get in Touch with ATC Income Tax:

Once all documents are ready, just call or message us. If you want, visit your nearest ATC Income Tax office for a consultation regarding Easy Money Loan. 

Negotiate Loan Amount:

Through Easy Money Loan, you can get a certain portion of your tax return. This includes 25%, 50%, or 75%. With our services, you can qualify for $6,000. Our experts will review your documents to learn how much tax return you can expect. Consult with our experts regarding the expected tax return and the portion you want to apply for. 

Apply for a Tax Refund Loan Online:

Once you submit your documents, we’ll start by preparing your report for taxes. We’ll rigorously review your documents to ensure everything is correct; once done, we’ll assist you with filing your tax returns. Our professionals will guide you through the complete process and answer any questions. We want to ensure complete transparency. 

Have your Easy Money Loan in 10 Minutes:

Once your tax return is filed, we’ll hand you the required portion of your expected tax return. The tax return approval takes around 21 days max; once the IRS deposits the money, we’ll take the lent sum from it and return the remaining amount to you. 

Why Go for Our Easy Money Loan?

ATC Income Tax’s Easy Money Loan is the way to go regarding tax refund advances. Here is how our service compares to others:

No Lender Fees:

With Easy Money Loans, everything is kept out in the open. This means we’ll ensure you are aware of what we charge. Depending on the lower amount below $1,000, there is zero cost to the taxpayer. We will only charge a small fee for the tax return filing process. Otherwise, the total amount will be provided to the taxpayer. 

No Interest on Lower Amounts:

Loans of lower amounts will not have any interest. If you apply for a $500 or $1,000 Easy Money Loan, you won’t have to pay any interest. 

Get a Loan in 10 Minutes:

One of the key highlights of Easy Money Loan is our quick loan provisions. Once we send the application for tax returns, we’ll hand you the expected tax return portion in a few hours. This way, you can get your loan amount quickly without any hassle. 

Final Note:

Ultimately, Easy Money Loans is a simple and quick way to access a portion of your tax returns. ATC Income tax has a simple and fairly easy tax return application process. Ensure you qualify and have the necessary documents to start your filing journey. Contact us to learn more about Easy Money Loans and Tax refund advances. 


What is a Tax Refund Advance, and How is it Different from a Traditional Loan?

Tax refund advances are short-term loans from your anticipated tax refunds before processing. They differ from traditional loans as they offer immediate financial aid from your tax returns rather than taking a loan from a lender and paying it back. 

Can I Get a Loan Against My Tax Refund if I Have a Lower Credit Score?

Although credit scores do play a part in getting loan approval, they operate differently regarding tax refunds. Tax refunds often consider other factors, including identity verification and the tax refund advance amount. You can still get a tax refund approved if you have a below-average credit score. 

How Can I Apply for a Tax Refund Loan Online?

Applying for a tax refund loan online is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Check your eligibility for a tax refund advance.
  2. Gather necessary documents, including identification, proof of income, and W-2 forms.
  3. Contact ATC Income Tax for assistance.
  4. Negotiate the loan amount based on your expected refund.
  5. Apply for the tax refund advance online.
  6. Receive your Easy Money Loan in as little as 10 minutes.

Are There Any Lender Fees Associated with Easy Money Loans?

The best thing about Easy Money Loans by ATC Income Tax is that there are no lender fees. It means you do not have to worry about hidden charges while you avail of our service. We will provide complete transparency every step of the way to ensure you get a financial boost without any discomfort.

Is There Interest Charged on Lower Loan Amounts with Easy Money Loans?

The interest rate may vary depending on the amount and the expected refund you applied for. If you applied for a refund of less than $1,000, there is no interest rate. However, interest may be applied if it exceeds the said amount. Consult with us regarding the interest rate offered on different amounts. 

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